Friday, September 7, 2012

'Cita-Citaku Setinggi Tanah' the movie

Posted by ajeng at 4:17 PM
You guys might love this movie!  Directed by one of young talented Indonesian movie directors - Eugene Panji, Cita-Citaku Setinggi Tanah (CCST) is not just another movie about kids & their dreams :)

3 main reasons why YOU SHOULD watch this movie:

  1. With its own way, this movie inspires Indonesian kids to make a real step or efforts to realize their dream whatever it is.
  2. By watching this movie, you are also helping kids with cancer because 100% of the ticket sales will be donated to one of children with cancer foundations in Indonesia (YKAKI)
  3. All film crew (except cameramen) and most of the casts (including children cast) are new comers in the industry. They had undergone training for about one year to be as professional actor or crew as can be (from zero to somebody). 
Dont forget to watch this movie at cinema across Indonesia starting from October 11, 2012.  For those who can't understand Bahasa, don't worry because this movie provides English subtitles:)

Genre: Drama
Writer: Satriono
Producer: Meilany Adolfin Runtuwene, Eugene Panji
Director: Eugene Panji
Production Co: Humanplus Production
Cast: M Syihab Imam Muttaqin, Rizqullah Maulana Daffa, Iqbal Zuhda Irsyad, Dewi Wulandari Cahyaningrum, Nina Tamam, Agus Kuncoro, Donny Alamsyah




stenote on May 24, 2018 at 12:41 PM said...

Cita2 yang indah ke sungai Arno.... Berbagi artikel tentang Florence sepanjang Sungai Arno di
Lihatlah juga videonya di Youtube


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